Zirconium Veneers in Turkey

Zirconium Veneers in Turkey

When it comes to such a popular dental procedure as veneers, a large number of people choose Zirconium veneers in Turkey. Why is this type of veneer so popular in Turkey? What are the benefits of zirconium veneers? We can give you all the answers in this article. 

Turdent dental treatments Overview
Turdent dental treatments Overview
Turdent dental treatments Overview
Turdent dental treatments Overview


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Turdent Dental Veneers


Turdent Dental Veneers


Table of Contents

What are Dental Veneers?

Zirconium Veneers in Turdent dental clinic in Antalya

Let’s start with a definition of veneers. Veneers are the type of dental shell that whitens and make your teeth more beautiful. Veneers are considered a cosmetic treatment, and therefore many people think that they can be placed whenever they want and have the financial opportunity.

The doctors at the TurDent clinic in Turkey definitely try to do their best to satisfy the needs of their patients, however, it is important to understand that even cosmetic dental procedures are still a treatment that should treat you. And every teeth treatment has its indications and contraindications.

Types of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers come in many different types. They can differ from each other in the material they are made from, the way they are created, and even the function they perform. If we talk about the material from which dental veneers are made, they are divided into these types:

Zirconium Veneers vs. Porcelain Veneers

It is worth understanding that zirconium is a metal. Zirconium veneers are made from an alloy of zirconium dioxide, and titanium is also added to their composition. Titanium as well as zirconium are considered to be highly compatible with human tissue and bone. Titanium is added to implants, crowns and posts which are later inserted into the person’s jaw. The choice of the metal was due to the fact that numerous surgical trials conducted at the end of the 20th century demonstrated that this metal fuses best with bone. This discovery made it possible to take a great leap forward in the development of medical technology at that time.

From the above, it can be concluded that zirconium veneers have high strength and durability. They are stronger than porcelain veneers, and E-max veneers. However, some people find that porcelain veneers look whiter on the teeth than zirconium veneers.

Dental Veneers Before after in Antalya

Zirconium veneers are made in the laboratory, using computer modelling. This allows them to be made to look more like the shape of your teeth. One of the main advantages of zirconium veneers is, of course, their durability.

When you have a new smile made with zirconium veneers, you do not have to worry about losing or damaging them from chewing hard food. It’s metal, so it won’t get ruined that easily. They are as easy to care for as porcelain veneers. In order for zirconium veneers to serve you for a long time, it is enough just to maintain proper hygiene of the oral cavity.

As for porcelain veneers , it is clear from the name that the material from which they are made is porcelain. High-quality fine ceramics are used to make them. The advantage of porcelain veneers is their aesthetics and beauty. Some patients think that porcelain will look whiter and more beautiful on their teeth.

Porcelain Dental Veneers in Turkey

In addition, the advantages of porcelain veneers include their greater resistance to staining. Of course, there is a very small chance that the veneers will stain. However, there is always that risk and it’s worth considering when deciding to have veneers fitted, too.

Moreover, it is worth remembering that porcelain also has its disadvantages. It is not as durable as zirconia. If you are the owner of porcelain veneers, you should be careful about how much solid food you take. 

E-max Veneers

E-max veneers are created from the newest material. It was developed relatively recently and has become as popular recently as zirconium. The material has the ability to copy the shape of the tooth and the look of enamel. Many people prefer this type of veneer because of the beauty of the smile that they receive after the procedure. However, the main disadvantage of this type of veneer is its price. Of course, the price is justified, but not everyone can afford it.

E-max Dental Veneers in Turkey

The secret of this type is not only certain characteristics of the material, but also the way in which it is made. Special computer technologies are used to manufacture these veneers. This is what allows them to be made to look as much like your teeth as possible.

Of course, your dentist at the TurDent clinic will help you in choosing the material. However, zirconium veneers really are the best option out of all of the above. Zirconium veneers give excellent quality at a reasonable price. This is every client’s dream.

What Price is for Zirconium Veneers in Turkey?

It is a well-known fact that all dental procedures in Turkey are much cheaper than in Great Britain. One thing to realise is that this does not affect the quality of teeth treatment. There are several reasons why prices differ from what our tourists are used to in their countries, particularly the economic situation in Turkey and the government’s loyal attitude to dentistry.

When people talk about Turkey and its dental services, they always think about the price and if it is lower, there is bound to be a catch. In our practice, however, there is no problem as we value our reputation and our client’s trust in us. All of our doctors are highly qualified and have extensive experience in dentistry.

Types Of Veneers
Price in the UK
Price in Europe
Price in Turkey
Composite Veneers
£ 480 - £ 900
€ 450 - € 850
£ 100 - £ 200
Porcelain Veneers
£ 600 - £ 1200
€ 550 - € 1100
£ 130 - £ 250
E-Max Veneers
£ 750 - £ 1400
€ 700 - € 1300
£ 180 - £ 300

Also, when it comes to the costs of dental services in Turkey, as mentioned before the government is quite loyal to the field of dentistry in Turkey. Dental fees, which are in every country, are lower here. Accordingly, the cost of dental procedures falls. This lowers the price for our clients.

If we talk about the price of zirconium veneers in our clinic, then the price is £165.

How Long Do Zirconium Veneers Take to be Placed in Turkey?

Usually, the teeth treatment at the TurDent  clinic takes up to 7 days. During this time, the patient needs to make two or three visits to the dentist.

Dental Veneers First Visit in TurDent
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Dental Veneers Second Visit in TurDent
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Dental Veneers second Visit in TurDent

First Visit: Consultation

At your first visit, the dentist will simply give you a consultation and plan your treatment. Also, after you tell the dentist what you want, an experienced dentist of the TurDent clinic will help you decide what material to choose for your veneers. Often, this step is done online to minimise the amount of time that the client has to spend in Turkey if they are not able to gudevote that much time to the procedure.

Second Visit: Preparing for Fitting

During your second visit, the doctor will begin to prepare the enamel of your teeth for the procedure. In order to have veneers fitted, a certain portion of your tooth enamel must be cut away. According to treatment protocols, this part is a few millimetres. After completing this step, the dentist takes impressions and sends them to the lab.

Within a few days, the veneers are ready and the client is again invited to the office. During this time, the temporary fillings will be placed, to preserve the aesthetics of the mouth.

Third Visit: Placement of Veneers

This visit is the final visit of the procedure. The patient tries on the new teeth. Doctors use special cement to stick the lining to the teeth. If the patient is happy with their new smile, the procedure is completed.

Also, at the end of your treatment, you may be asked to leave feedback on your experience with the services at our clinic.


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